Accesso rapido al database IATE

Accesso rapido al database IATE

pubblicato in Ferri del Mestiere

da il 20 aprile 2013

Oggi segnaliamo per tutti i professionisti che operano nel mondo della traduzione un articolo pubblicato sul blog della Terminology Coordination Unit dell’UE, in cui si annunciano nuovi widget e add-on del browser per accedere in maniera più rapida e diretta al database terminologico IATE.

Di seguito riportiamo l’articolo originale:

More direct and easy access to IATE
In our effort to promote the use of IATE, the European Union’s terminology database containing more than 8 million terms in all official EU languages and covering a broad variety of domains, we provide you some tools which will enable you and the users of your websites to access and consult IATE more easily.


In the provided page you will always find every tool giving you access to IATE, like widgets which you can upload into the homepages of your websites or blogs and which will allow the visitors of your websites to have direct access to IATE and search for terms directly from your site. To embed the chosen IATE widget into your website or blog, please copy one of the corresponding codes which you can find on the following page and paste it into your HTML page:

Furthermore, we have created some extensions/add-ons giving direct access to IATE through your web browsers. For those who might not know: Extensions and Add-ons are simple little programs that extend the functionality of a browser. Using these little programs, you can power-up your browser to handle a variety of tasks which a browser without these tools wouldn’t have been able to perform. Our goal is to make your online life easier and give you a better browsing experience.

Our extensions/add-ons will work for Google Chrome, Safari and Mozilla Firefox and you can find them in your browsers extensions/add-ons gallery or under the following links:

Mozilla Firefox users:

Google Chrome users:

Safari users:

We would be very glad if you could forward these tools to all your members together with the invitation to spread this information to as many people as possible in order to ensure an even more widespread and more user-friendly use of IATE.

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